Member-only story
Old story
— It bothers me, says God, their habit of looking at their navel instead of looking at others.
— Because I made the navels without paying too much attention to them, a bit like the weaver who reaches the last stitch and ties a knot so that it holds in a place that doesn’t seem too much.
— Actually, I was glad I was done. Yes, of all my creation, says God, what amazes me the most is all the time they take, as soon as things go a little badly, to look at their navel instead of seeing the difficulties of others.
— If I had to start over. If I could give a general reminder. If it wasn’t too much to put the work back on the job. I would place their navel right in the middle of their forehead.
— That way says God; they would be obliged to look at the navel of others!
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